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Queer Coded

Colourful Conversations September

Colourful Conversations September

Wed, Sep 28, 2022 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
location_onICICS X860

The CS department is hosting an event called "Colourful Conversations" where yall can come in and get to play board games and network with professors and just have a good time. The goal is to let professors get to know their LGBTQ+ students better and for LGBTQ+ students to feel more comfortable interacting with their CS professors on a personal level, since LGBTQ+ students statistically don't interact with their professors as much. We created this event with LGBTQ+ in Computer Science and adjacent fields (e.g COGS and CPEN) in mind. But despite that being queer and in CS is not a requirement! Everyone is welcome. We don't have any way to check regardless. Here is the sign up link: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9F6WR1nARnzoWLs For this round of Colorful Conversations we've invited Joanna McGrenere and Karina Mochetti. In the future it might be different professors. Yes there will be FREE pastries and coffee